
  • <tfoot id='Fh9Ry'></tfoot>

      <legend id='zrkir1'><style id='ND48'><dir id='0EOyVR'><q id='udwXx21'></q></dir></style></legend>
      <i id='T4jV3'><tr id='IMmpQ1e'><dt id='V26kE8'><q id='scwSO8e'><span id='U4c8Rp'><b id='XT4j2'><form id='l6Ocy'><ins id='0ixFBK'></ins><ul id='LCpKDN'></ul><sub id='jUdyA'></sub></form><legend id='jZVdz'></legend><bdo id='O4u6C'><pre id='kUQk'><center id='zlKTe'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='yzoo'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='hrCJW'><tfoot id='RLUhhM'></tfoot><dl id='WJkB'><fieldset id='B6Pk'></fieldset></dl></div>

          <bdo id='L0j3kWo'></bdo><ul id='4YPjo'></ul>

          1. <li id='ZFsCnH'><abbr id='MNZbksx'></abbr></li>
          2. INNOVATION
          3. <tfoot id='Fh9Ry'></tfoot>

              <legend id='zrkir1'><style id='ND48'><dir id='0EOyVR'><q id='udwXx21'></q></dir></style></legend>
              <i id='T4jV3'><tr id='IMmpQ1e'><dt id='V26kE8'><q id='scwSO8e'><span id='U4c8Rp'><b id='XT4j2'><form id='l6Ocy'><ins id='0ixFBK'></ins><ul id='LCpKDN'></ul><sub id='jUdyA'></sub></form><legend id='jZVdz'></legend><bdo id='O4u6C'><pre id='kUQk'><center id='zlKTe'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='yzoo'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='hrCJW'><tfoot id='RLUhhM'></tfoot><dl id='WJkB'><fieldset id='B6Pk'></fieldset></dl></div>

                  <bdo id='L0j3kWo'></bdo><ul id='4YPjo'></ul>

                  1. <li id='ZFsCnH'><abbr id='MNZbksx'></abbr></li>
                  2. PRODUCTS
                  3. <tfoot id='Fh9Ry'></tfoot>

                      <legend id='zrkir1'><style id='ND48'><dir id='0EOyVR'><q id='udwXx21'></q></dir></style></legend>
                      <i id='T4jV3'><tr id='IMmpQ1e'><dt id='V26kE8'><q id='scwSO8e'><span id='U4c8Rp'><b id='XT4j2'><form id='l6Ocy'><ins id='0ixFBK'></ins><ul id='LCpKDN'></ul><sub id='jUdyA'></sub></form><legend id='jZVdz'></legend><bdo id='O4u6C'><pre id='kUQk'><center id='zlKTe'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='yzoo'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='hrCJW'><tfoot id='RLUhhM'></tfoot><dl id='WJkB'><fieldset id='B6Pk'></fieldset></dl></div>

                          <bdo id='L0j3kWo'></bdo><ul id='4YPjo'></ul>

                          1. <li id='ZFsCnH'><abbr id='MNZbksx'></abbr></li>
                          2. CAREER
                          3. <tfoot id='Fh9Ry'></tfoot>

                              <legend id='zrkir1'><style id='ND48'><dir id='0EOyVR'><q id='udwXx21'></q></dir></style></legend>
                              <i id='T4jV3'><tr id='IMmpQ1e'><dt id='V26kE8'><q id='scwSO8e'><span id='U4c8Rp'><b id='XT4j2'><form id='l6Ocy'><ins id='0ixFBK'></ins><ul id='LCpKDN'></ul><sub id='jUdyA'></sub></form><legend id='jZVdz'></legend><bdo id='O4u6C'><pre id='kUQk'><center id='zlKTe'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='yzoo'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='hrCJW'><tfoot id='RLUhhM'></tfoot><dl id='WJkB'><fieldset id='B6Pk'></fieldset></dl></div>

                                  <bdo id='L0j3kWo'></bdo><ul id='4YPjo'></ul>

                                  1. <li id='ZFsCnH'><abbr id='MNZbksx'></abbr></li>
                                  2. ACHIEVE SUCCESS TOGETHER
                                  3. <tfoot id='Fh9Ry'></tfoot>

                                      <legend id='zrkir1'><style id='ND48'><dir id='0EOyVR'><q id='udwXx21'></q></dir></style></legend>
                                      <i id='T4jV3'><tr id='IMmpQ1e'><dt id='V26kE8'><q id='scwSO8e'><span id='U4c8Rp'><b id='XT4j2'><form id='l6Ocy'><ins id='0ixFBK'></ins><ul id='LCpKDN'></ul><sub id='jUdyA'></sub></form><legend id='jZVdz'></legend><bdo id='O4u6C'><pre id='kUQk'><center id='zlKTe'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='yzoo'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='hrCJW'><tfoot id='RLUhhM'></tfoot><dl id='WJkB'><fieldset id='B6Pk'></fieldset></dl></div>

                                          <bdo id='L0j3kWo'></bdo><ul id='4YPjo'></ul>

                                          1. <li id='ZFsCnH'><abbr id='MNZbksx'></abbr></li>
                                          2. NEWS
                                          3. <tfoot id='Fh9Ry'></tfoot>

                                              <legend id='zrkir1'><style id='ND48'><dir id='0EOyVR'><q id='udwXx21'></q></dir></style></legend>
                                              <i id='T4jV3'><tr id='IMmpQ1e'><dt id='V26kE8'><q id='scwSO8e'><span id='U4c8Rp'><b id='XT4j2'><form id='l6Ocy'><ins id='0ixFBK'></ins><ul id='LCpKDN'></ul><sub id='jUdyA'></sub></form><legend id='jZVdz'></legend><bdo id='O4u6C'><pre id='kUQk'><center id='zlKTe'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='yzoo'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='hrCJW'><tfoot id='RLUhhM'></tfoot><dl id='WJkB'><fieldset id='B6Pk'></fieldset></dl></div>

                                                  <bdo id='L0j3kWo'></bdo><ul id='4YPjo'></ul>

                                                  1. <li id='ZFsCnH'><abbr id='MNZbksx'></abbr></li>

                                                    足彩310下载: Conducting the Business According to Applicable Law and Company Rules

                                                    At EAP we firmly believe that compliance is our license to operate worldwide. We all share the aim of providing people with innovative solutions that improve the quality of life.

                                                    Why Is Our Compliance Policy so Important?

                                                    The Corporate Compliance Policy outlines EAP’s principles of business conduct. We take pride in doing things right. Each day we need to exercise good judgment, act with integrity, and observe the principles of our policy.
                                                    Below you’ll find our ten compliance principles:

                                                    Corporate Compliance Principles

                                                    足彩310下载: 1.We compete fairly in every market.

                                                    OUR COMMITMENT: EAP competes on the merits of its products and services and firmly supports the existence of free and open markets. We strictly adhere to the laws designed to promote and protect competition. 

                                                    足彩310下载: 2.We act with integrity in all our business dealings.

                                                    OUR COMMITMENT: EAP does not tolerate corruption and will refuse any business opportunity that involves any form of bribery.

                                                    足彩310下载: 3.We balance economic growth with ecological and social responsibility.

                                                    OUR COMMITMENT: EAP endeavors to develop, produce and sell products in a safe and sustainable way that meets the needs of our employees, customers and society, and protects the environment.

                                                    足彩310下载: 4.We observe trade controls that regulate our global business.

                                                    OUR COMMITMENT: EAP supports national and international initiatives that aim to prevent the misuse of its goods or technologies as nuclear, biological or chemical weapons or in the spread of terrorism or war.

                                                    足彩310下载: 5.We safeguard equal opportunity in securities trading.

                                                    OUR COMMITMENT: EAP promotes open, fair and efficient financial markets by protecting its non-public information from unintended disclosure and misuse.

                                                    足彩310下载: 6.We keep accurate books and records.

                                                    OUR COMMITMENT: EAP fully and accurately records its business activities and financial transactions to provide a fair and complete picture of its operations, assets and financial condition.

                                                    足彩310下载: 7.We treat each other with fairness and respect.

                                                    OUR COMMITMENT: EAP strives to create the best environment for employees to perform, innovate and develop.

                                                    足彩310下载: 8.We protect and respect intellectual property rights.

                                                    OUR COMMITMENT: EAP safeguards the value of its research and development efforts and the goodwill and reputation of the company and its brands. EAP also accepts the valid right of others to be the same.

                                                    足彩310下载: 9.We act in EAP’s best interest.

                                                    OUR COMMITMENT: EAP employees are careful to separate their own personal interests from those of EAP.

                                                    足彩310下载: 10.We protect and secure personal data.

                                                    OUR COMMITMENT: EAP strictly adheres to the laws designed to protect and secure the privacy and confidentiality of information about individuals. This includes personal, health, family financial and similar information.
